Suckers (Catostomidae)
# characteristics results
1a Elongated dorsal fin go to 2
1b Single short dorsal fin go to 4
2a Small head and falcate (long) pectoral fins Cycleptus elongatus (Blue Sucker)
2b Normal sized head and pointed snout go to 3
3a Mouth is inferior and subopercle is triangular Carpiodes carpio (River Carpsucker)
3b Snout protrudes over mouth, mouth subterminal, and rounded subopercle Ictiobus bubalus (Smallmouth Buffalo)
4a Scale bases darker than rest of scale and mouth is inferior Minytrema melanops (Spotted Sucker)
4b Scale base same color as scale go to 5
5a Complete midlateral stripe, no lateral line, mouth subterminal Erimyzon sucetta (Lake Chubsucker)
5b partial midlateral stripe go to 6
6a partial midlateral stripe, incomplete or absent lateral line, 2 swim bladders Erimyzon oblongus (Creek Chubsucker)
6b Complete lateral line and 3 swim bladders go to 7
7a Black streak on caudal fin and mouth subterminal Moxostoma poecilurum (Blacktail Redhorse)
7b No black streak present on caudal fin go to 8
8a Pectoral fin as long as head, Small inferior mouth, and thick lips Moxostomal congestum (Gray Redhorse)
8b Mouth subterminal and long intestine (2-3 coils) Moxostoma erythrurum (Golden Redhorse)